Company Profile

Computer Systems
Feb 2024
Business waits for no one, just when you get comfortable with the latest innovation, the next breakthrough comes along, shaking up everything again.
Every day the business world
becomes more driven by information technology. In this hyperactive, global environment, SMARTVISION enables organizations to gain full advantage of IT to increase efficiencies, improve effectiveness, and reach new goals.
Our SMARTVISION team of highly experienced, well trained, qualified and specialized on the mission critical services and applications, supported by worldwide supplier and partners covering all markets segments, to help you solve your toughest business challenges through IT solutions.
SMARTVISION is a private and limited liability company newly established in 2009, formed by International Holding Company called “Diesel International Company” to contribute to local and regional development with our technology solutions, commitment and outstanding customer service.
- Financial Objectives
· Growth in revenues,
· Growth in earnings,
· Wider profit margins,
· Bigger cash flows,
· Higher returns on invested capital,
· Attractive economic value added (EVA) performance,
· Attractive and sustainable increases in market value added (MVA), and
· A more diversified revenue base
- Strategic Market Objectives
· A bigger market share, Quicker design-to-market times than rivals,
· Higher product quality than rivals ,Lower costs relative to key competitors, Broader or more attractive product line than rivals,
· A stronger reputation with customers than rivals, Superior customer service,Recognition as a leader in technology and/or product innovation, Wider geographic coverage than rivals, and Higher levels of customer satisfaction than rivals
- Internal Operational Objectives
· Business process that have an impact on creating customer value and satisfaction,
· maintaining the firm’s core competencies,
· Running a major functional activity or process within a business, such as, research and development, production, marketing, customer service, distribution, finance, human resources, and other strategy critical activities,
· manages frontline organizational units with a business (plants, sales districts, and
· distribution centers) and how to perform strategically significant operating tasks (materials purchasing, inventory control, maintenance, shipping, advertising campaigns),
- Innovative and Learning Objective
· Focus on activities that assist to improve and build SMARTVISION value creating activities, and
· Increases the firm’s knowledge base and learning best practices so SMARTVISION is continually on the cutting edge.
SMARTVISION Philosophy (Mission Statement):
Specialized services company, one of our objectives would be to provide fast, reliable , and convenient 24x7 SLA “ Service level agreements “ as well as proactive services which is highly appreciated by customers and willingness to pay for these services.
SMARTVISION has three lines of business help our clients’ success by fully leveraging the value of IT in support of their mission:
- Business Solutions & Services Sector:
· Industry-specific, technology-enabled business solutions,
· Industry-specific business process outsourcing solutions,
· Consulting and systems integration, and
· Software and systems development
- Managed Services Sector:
· Secure IT management for applications and infrastructure
¾ Application portfolio management,
¾ Testing services,
¾ Remote infrastructure services,
¾ Network, computing, and storage services, and
¾ Mobility and end-user services
- Public Sector:
· Program management and professional services,
· Systems integration,
· Range and base operations,
· Infrastructure services, and
· Specialized engineering solutions and services
Our major objective is to directly impact our client's profitability, productivity, service capability and efficiency. In order to achieve this objective, we focus on quantifiable value added services that allow our clients to recognize and measure significant improvements in the operation of their business.
· SMARTVISION have the capability to deliver Enterprise business solutions for large corporations which have large networks including hardware, software and the required employee to implement the requirements of the specific organizations.
· SMARTVISION have a 24/7 contact center that receives and monitor service call until completion and customer satisfaction. SMARTVISION has been recognized its afford to give the best customer service by having ISO9001-2000, the worldwide standard of customer satisfaction.
· Maintenance contracts one of the main services of SMARTVISION is to ensure that their companies do not suffer any business downtime. Maintaining your hardware which in the vast majority of cases proves more cost effective than purchasing new equipment. Many different types of maintenance contract are available. Most are on-site contracts where an engineer comes to your premises to fix the problem.
· The required technical staff and engineers with many years of experience in: installation, maintenance and support of a vast range of printers, pcs, network, mainframe, storage, servers and cabling.
· Pre-sales and after-sales support that ensure chosen of the right technology for our customer requirements before buying, deploying
· and maintaining its IT infrastructure. Combined with our commitment, knowledge, expertise and after sales service, we can effectively deliver powerful business solutions to our customers.
· IT Outsourcing: enable companies to consign its IT related facilities, manpower and hardware to an IT specialized company.
· SMARTVISION is pleased to offer the customers a range of trainings options to empower them to operate and maintain the system and software which they purchased by someone who won the right to membership of a professional association by completing an SmartVision redited program of training and examination, to deliver customized expert services to client organizations.
· High availability, disaster recovery, high computing, high performance and consolidation services.
· SMARTVISION is ISO 90001:2008 Standards Quality Assurance Certified.
Strategic Alliance is an important part of business at SMARTVISION to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need while remaining independent organizations.
SMARTVISION Products and Solutions as follow are as the following:
SMARTVISION Agencies and Principals are as the following:
Telephone Number : 22092485
FAX :22621185
Support/Information :
Working hours : BSP Sun. – Thurs. from (8:00am – 5:00pm)
: 24X7 for critical cases and SLA commitments
Web site :
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